Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Zucchini Bread

I'm a big fan of putting vegetables in my baked goods.  Makes me feel like I'm eating healthy.

Last year, I discovered a recipe for zucchini bread that was kindof out-of-this-world good.  When I read the recipe, though, I was like, "Uh, curry powder in zucchini bread?  I don't think so, lady."  But Heidi Swanson hasn't done me wrong yet, so I thought I'd give it a try.  Turns out, this stuff is amazing.  I brought it to a dinner party this weekend and a little girl there kept asking, "Can I have some more of that cake?"  And you know you've done well when you've gotten a 4-year old to think something with veggies in it is "cake".

The Recipe
Even the batter is pretty.
101 Cookbooks is one of my go-to websites when I'm looking to try a new recipe.  It's written by Heidi Swanson, who has written a book called Supernatural Cooking, which I am also a fan of.  She just looks so organic and wholesome on the front cover - her food has to be good, right? Anyway, her recipe is called My Special Zucchini Bread Recipe.  (Ok, she could use some help in the creative branding department, but that aside...)  I followed her recipe pretty much exactly, except I didn't have lemons, so I used lime zest instead.  Personally, I think I liked the lemon better.

The Verdict
Awesome.  It's moist and chunky, and the combination of flavors is so delightful.  I especially like the poppy seeds - there's nothing more fun then surprising little crunchies in your baked goods.  (Unless, of course, the crunchies are actually egg shells...)

I'm thinking this could even pass as a cake, actually, if you put it in a cake pan and frosted it with something cream cheese-y.  Kinda like carrot cake, no?  Try it and tell me what you think.

1 comment:

  1. This recipe was the first thing I baked in my new home! Awesome. Although I spent a lot of time sweeping up rogue poppy seeds after tipping them onto wire racks.
